Sunday, June 28, 2009

Top 10 list........

Well here is the first of many 10 ten lists I'm sure, voted by me. I'd also be keen to know what top 10 lists you would like to see. Let's see if we can agree on some things!!

The first top 10 list I will give you is.............Top 10 mens fashion accessory.

Most people will usually associate the word accessory with women's fashion (jewellery, shoes, bags etc). Well I'm here to tell you that men's accessories have now become as important as womens. For those blokey blokes who don't wish to use the word "accessory" you can call it the "men's additional", but for the purposes of this blog I will call them accessories.

So, the top 10 mens accessories as voted by me are:


Hard to believe, but watches are an important accessory to a completed look. For a corporate or more formal look, a more dressy style of watch required. Silver, Gold or black face with a dark strap for a formal look, and a sports style watch for a more casual or sporty look.

9. Belts

I have noticed more and more that men's belts are increasing in price. I think that men's retails stores have cotton on to the fact that a man's belt, or more accurately speaking, the man's belt buckle can make or break a look. Average costs in retail stores for men's belts range from between $50 and $100. Stainless steel plated belt buckles have now become the trend for the work pant and tucked in business shirt look. White belts have been designed to compliment the jeans and shoes in a casual urban look or dark work pants and white shoes for the more formal casual dress look for work. Great with a pink shirt.

8. Beanies

As we are now in full winter mode, the beanie becomes an important accessory to keep your head warm. BUT........we all have different shapes and sizes of heads and faces, therefore it is very important to choose the right beanie to suit. To add to the dilemma, be sure that your beanie is of the right colour. To err on the side of caution if you are unsure, always choose black. The beanie should also match the style of clothing you have on. For instance, if you have chosen an urban look - a capped woolen beanie will compliment the look. If you are in corporate dress mode, then a plain dark beanie tight enough to mould into your headshape (and gloves to match) will suffice.

Me myself, I like to mix it up a little. Some days I will wear a woollen capped beanie for my corporate look, depending on the type of jacket I am wearing. On casual fridays I like to wear a white beanie which matches a white Ralph Lauren Polo jacket. Anyone with dark complexion can often pull off wearing white. I am lucky to have inherited a dark complexion and a good shaped head and face.

Finally, if you are getting headaches while wearing your beanie, it means it's too small for your head and you need a new one.

7. Scarves

Continuing on the winter theme and a complimentary must, the scarf will not only keep your chest warm on those crispy southerly Wellington mornings, but it can also be an all day accessory that can be worn after your jacket comes off. For a complete consistent look, match your scarf with gloves and beanie.

6. Cuff Links

No longer just a gentlemen's accessory, cufflinks seem to have made a comeback. Were they ever out? A lot of trendy and stylie shirts will now come with sleeves that have cufflink holes. For safety, source silver plated or black cufflinks, but don't be afraid to mix it up with some colourful ones. During a recent trip to China, my partner procured a variety of cufflinks with a plethora of styles and colours (majority of them being knock off brands) but hey....they look great.

5. Ties

Another great comeback (although never really out) are ties. Fantastic colours and patterns infuse many men's boutique stores such as Vance Vivian, Country Road Men and Working Style. Don't be afraid to experiment with mixing colours of ties with shirts but don't go overboard. Wearing your tie with a matching waistcoat and pants will definately turn heads.

4. Hats

I know I have covered one type of hat under beanies, but I thought that the beanie deserved a place on it's own. Every other hat falls under this category. In particular the Vintage Fedora hat with stingy brim is a popular buy at the moment. A great casual look and many styles and colours. Retail stores such as Amazon on Lambton Quay and Hallensteins stock many styles of these hats. Hands up who wants to look like Justin Timberlake?

3. Rings

Including your wedding ring, it is important to consider whether you are a silver of gold person. I am a silver person, meaning between gold and silver, I can only wear silver rings on my hands. For a safer look though, titanium is ok. So if choosing a casual ring to wear for the day or if you have an impending wedding coming up, be sure to get involved with choosing your ring.

2. Bags

The latest bag trends for men is the satchel or as some may like to call it "the man bag". Many styles and colours are available to choose from and going by the prices of most satchels these days, this is a popular item for men. The satchel should be warn on the shoulder, across the chest and resting on the opposite hip. This is also a great way to give the illusion of a slender build for that metrosexual weight concious male.

1. Spectacles

My final top 10 will probably surprise you. Spectacles have become an essential fashion accessory. There is an abundance of styles and colours available. I believe it was Gok Wan, who was recently in New Zealand promoting Specsavers latest spectacle styles, who said “Glasses are no longer nerdy or boring; they are definitely seen in the UK and Europe as a key fashion accessory. Kiwis really need to change their attitude towards glasses and I’m down here to show exactly how to get specs appeal,”. This is so true. My own advice is, if you can afford it, try to have 2 or more pairs of spectacles to give you different looks.


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