Friday, March 28, 2014

Insta Favourites

It's been a crazy few weeks since Venice, with lots of new projects and challenges keeping me on the frantic side of busy. One of said projects is the transformation of the blog with a new URl and site design currently in the final stages. But don't worry, it won't be scarily radical - I know how annoying it is when a blog you love changes it's entire format. But I hope you'll love the new look as much as I do and can't wait to share it - stay tuned is pretty much the message here!

But, in the meantime, I thought I'd share some current favourite things that those of you who follow me on instagram might already be familiar with.... 

This HnM lace skirt is making me count down the days till bare leg season (and not (sartorially) dread wedding season quite so much). 

Working weekends aren't so bad when they look like this. 

Guilty of sometimes taking it for granted that I live near one of the most famous streets in the world - but occasionally even I can't help bu play tourist.

Sure you'll be seeing a lot more of these MiH Phoebe jeans and HnM platform trainers. I'm kind of obsessed.

Winter is coming and I for one can't wait... Wearing my new Sleep Shirt that was kindly sent to me. Planning on wearing it outside of bed too for maximum sloth-like behaviour. 

Bought this vintage cross on Portobello market a few weekends ago - worn with my Orelia spike necklace. Still cold enough for my Wool and the Gang jumper too (one small perk of this extended winter). 

Personalised birth chart from Anya Hindmarch. Scarily accurate I tell you... Plus, I am only 3.5 in dog years (read spring chicken).

A few Spring favourites I'm wearing whenever there's a hint of blue sky.

 Pringle of Scotland ladder stitch top, vintage Urban Outfitters Levis, Manebi ponyskin espadrilles, Larsson & Jennings watch and Aesop and Jurlique potions. 

Think I've finally managed to break in the surprisingly uncomfortable Adidas gazelles. But it was worth battling those spiky tongues (seriously, they are like tiny little razors) cos I love them - and they're just about loving me back now too.

Trying on every single coat in the MiH showroom.... And taking selfies while at it.

All images via my instagram @lucywilliams02


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