Wednesday, July 31, 2013

En Vacances

Whenever we come to France, one of the first things to do is stock up the fridge so a trip to the supermarket is always on day one's agenda before we can settle into all-out R 'n' R by the pool. 

Aside from the obligatory saucisson, crunch bars and ice lollies, I picked up a few other goodies this trip, namely some sunny coral espadrilles for $7 and some L'Oreal Elvive (or Elseve I should say) sun specific shampoo. I've never seen this Sun Repair range in the U.K (correct me if I'm wrong) so I instantly chucked a bottle in the trolley to try (anyone out there whose blonde hair has some kind of allergic reaction to the sun will hopefully understand my ridiculous enthusiasm!).
After two cloudy days, I was beginning to think I'd tempted fate with said shampoo, but the sun really came out to play today so after a long, chlorine-soaked swim, it looks like it might actually come in useful after all.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Look of the day ...

                                                                                      CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                             boots: isabel marant,
                                                                                             shorts: bershka,
                                                                                             blouse: zara,
                                                                                             belt: accessorize,
                                                                                             sunglasses: ray ban,
                                                                                             bracelet and watch: morellato,
                                                                                             ph. me

After I made a new board on the Pinterest, "Match me", I decided to make my own version of it on the blog too.:) It will be something that I already wore or that I planned for the upcoming days. It can be inspiration for you or reminder for me for the regular outfit posts.
What do you think about this one? Would you add something or not? Would you wear it? :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Etoile Isabel Marant A/W 2013

Anyone else find the emergence of Autumn Winter campaigns and editorials in the middle of high summer a little depressing? Obviously this is nothing new, but maybe this year it feels all the more disarming what with being in the tail-end of a heat wave and all. Leaves you feeling nostalgic for the summer you're right in the thick of.

Nevertheless, there's no denying how great some of the new campaigns are, Proenza Schouler, J.W.Anderson, Rag and Bone and Prada to name just a few favourites. And while Isabel Marant's campaigns tend to follow a tried-and-tested formula, they never fail to win me over, always perfecting that unique breed of classic girlish nonchalance that we all want a piece of and the A/W 2013 Etoile lookbook is no exception. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Key to Freedom

If you buy one thing this week, make it one of these printed silk scarves by Topshop made in conjunction with Key to Freedom, a charity project that works to support vulnerable women in West Bengal by providing them with new skills, safe houses and a support network. 

Supporting those less fortunate than ourselves is always a good thing, but its made even better when the charitable purchase in question actually looks great and I think this project in particular manages to marry lovely design with a brilliant cause. I'm not a massive scarf person myself but these are big enough to use as a sarong on the beach and light enough to knot into a head scarf or turban (I actually feel a bit naked without something wrapped around my head on holiday right now).  Plus the beautiful Indian prints and tie-dye patterns are so summery and timeless I can see these becoming one of those failsafe things you throw in your suitcase year after year. 

You can read more about Topshop's Key to Freedom project on the Topshop blog.

My personal favorites are the Pink Fern Print and Green Tie Dye.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Got to play it right ...

                                                                                                CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                              sandals: zara,
                                                                                              jeans: bershka,
                                                                                              t-shirt: new yorker,
                                                                                              belt: mango,
                                                                                              bracelet: morellato,
                                                                                              watch: morellato,
                                                                                              ring: parfois,
                                                                                              sunglasses: ray ban,
                                                                                              ph. Maja

New favorite sandals, old but still good jeans and t-shirt with numbers were my choice for Monday. Do you like it?
I'm in the mood for some dancing, so press PLAY! ;)

On the Road Again

I'm heading back to France on Sunday for a week so inevitably all the images I seem to be pinning/dragging onto my desktop tend to be of the easy-breezy variety right now, with lots of soft-focus vintage shots of some of my all-time icons Lauren Hutton and Charlotte Rampling and anything that depicts some sort of lazy afternoon. 

 While I'm hoping as ever for lots of time outside in the sun, we're really keen to get out and about in the car for a day or two and explore some of the local towns of Burgundy and Champagne so if anyone has any favourite local spots or tips, I'd love to hear about them! I'm hoping to be posting from France (wi-fi dependent) but you can follow me on Instagram (@lucywilliams02) for updates while I'm away too. 

 images via Wolf Cub, Oracle Fox, 4th and Bleeker, The Londoner, Pinterest and Tumblr

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fun ...

                                                                                               CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                                ph. Slava Micic

Some of the Sundays look just like this: comfy shoes or in my case boots, bag on the shoulder, great company, tasty food and lots of laugh!
During the last weekend Jelena and I were with lovely and super talented girl Slava Micic (you gotta check her blog and instagram @slavamicic, you will love it too). We were showing her one part of Belgrade, new places, cafes and some old streets. While we were talking, Slava caught these moments and I wanted to share some of them with you (you can find more Here).  And they are damn good! I'm totally in love!
Someone said "give girl a camera or two and she will be happy" or this quote doesn't exist at all, but it's true!  ;)