Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Style or Comfort

Winter certainly has set in and I find myself spending longer in the hot shower trying to work out firstly how cold the day is going to be and secondly what I should wear to work that day. Winter makes this decision quite hard. Layers help, but there is only so many layers a male can wear before he starts looking like an eskimo. (Can I use that term or is it racist?).

Anyway, this morning was a typical crispy morning where Corporate Wellington were all on a mission to get to their warm buildings before their fingers and toes fell off. All rugged up in beanies, scarves, gloves and coats.

As I sat outside Mojo Old Bank Arcade, I happen to notice the most odd/interesting ensemble a man was wearing. This guy was wearing the usual winter woolies of a beanie, a scarf and a coat, however................I look down at his feet and he was wearing a brown pair of leather Hush Puppy Carmac dress sandals. Now don't get me wrong, the look was great...................IF IT WASN'T MINUS ONE MILLION DEGREES!! HELLLOOO!! I almost got frost bite just looking at them.

The point of my post is...........Is style really that more important than comfort??


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